Day 7: A picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you

For this one I couldn't just pick one person or place so I decided to go with my parents. I know its pretty cheesy but that's okay. If anyone had a big impact on the way that I am it was and is my parents. I like to tell people that between my mom and my papi my humor is just shot. I get most of it from my mom who gets it from her dad. But that doesn't mean I'm funny. As for the nerdiness that almost literally eminates from me... That's all from my dad. In the picture I'm using it was on my dad's 50th birthday when I bought him a Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Encyclopedia to which his automatic response was to sit down my 3 or 4 year old brother and start teaching him about Doctor Who. Our deep family discussions often include super heroes and comic books as well as Star Trek and just about anything else you can think of.
I love my parents very much and I love the influence they have had on me whether that be in my humor, my religion or my nerdiness, they have always been such good examples to me of love, dedication and service. They support me in basically everything I do and I love them so much for that.
Day 8: Short Term Goals for this month
Well I didn't start at the beginning of a month I'm kinda in the middle of the month but a few of the ones that I did have for August were obtain a car and Start school. Both of which have been accomplished. I think I'll set some short term goals for September. I would like to be able to do all of my homework and study well. I think that For September I'd like to try to make more friends and be slightly more social. But I can't think of any other short term goals... I think I need to re-learn how to set goals... haha I'll do that and then come back to it.
Day 9: Something you're proud of in the last few days
oh boy this is a hard one... How many days are few days? haha well I did just get a car and I feel like that is a very big accomplishment for myself. I still sometimes have difficulties believing that I actually own a car. Its awesome!! :) but that was like a week ago... almost two so... Hmmm the past few days... Well I've noticed that since my mission I've been able to talk to people easier. It's literally insane to me. I had a full conversation today with a boy I randomly happened to walk near on campus and it was a pretty decent one. I never would have done that as easily before. So big pat on the back for me! haha Yay! other than that I think its an awesome accomplishment that I'm still alive! That's always a miracle. :)
Alright now I just have to write todays post and I'm officially caught up. Man I'm bad at this. And to those of you reading if there are any... I'm sorry I'm the worst. I am a disgrace to the Ravenclaw house... :/ that is all
till later today...
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