Day 3: a picture of your animals

These are my animals. I have top to bottom: Leopold (Leo), Sampson (Sammy), Pepper, and my personal favorite Snoopy! I love them all very much however My family and their allergies are getting more sensitive to the cats so we might have to get rid of some of them and it brakes my heart. Snoopy is my very favorite of all of them, he's blind in one eye because when he was a kitten he was playing with his brothers and sisters and one of them scratched his eye. At least that's the story we heard. He's so loving and almost more like a dog than a cat he's so fun to observe. The picture of him I have here is the day before I left on my mission, he's sitting on my suitcase. It was almost as if he was telling me not to leave him. When I came home he ignored me for a little while I think he was a little bit bitter at me for leaving but now he loves me again.
Day 4: A Habit That You Wish You Didn't Have
I honestly don't feel like I have that bad of habits. I don't bite my nails or chew with my mouth open. Hmmm... I don't know this is a really hard one. My little sister said "binge watching TV shows when you should be doing something productive" but I do my productive things before watching TV typically. I guess I could go with sleeping till the last possible second. I sometimes cut it close when it comes to getting to places. But I'm working on it! But that's the only thing that I can think of I need to get better at waking up on time.
Day 5: A picture of Somewhere You've been to
This is a picture that I took in Oregon when I was serving in the Roseberg area. It was super difficult to decide what picture to share or post but Oregon definitely has my heart so I wanted to pick a picture that shows the beauty of it. It doesn't do everything justice but. Oregon. I want to go back so bad! I just fell in love.
YAY I'm all caught up again. Now I need to do the one that I have to do for today hahaha :) its a good thing not very many people read so that means I can maybe get away with it hehehe
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