Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I'm a girl. Ha you know kinda crazy at times and can be really obnoxious.
I'm watching a very strange show. Anyway if I had to say what some of my strengths and weaknesses were I'd say that I'm very good at caring for people but not very good at talking to them. I know that seems dumb.. But i'm really very shy until someone gets to know me and so i'm worried for college because of that. I'd also say that I'm really good at being indifferent. Not very good at making up my mind. anyway.. Yeah this post doesn't really mean much. I'm Just bored i guess that means i should go to bed eh? good plan.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
They'll remember, only our smiles 'cause that's all they've seen.
Long since dried, when we are found, are the tears in which we had drowned.
As we were, so perfect, so happy.
Don't put me underground, I was meant for a life somewhere else.
Please, love, give me the wheel, before both of our hearts you
will steal tonight (will steal tonight).
As we were, so perfect, so happy.
Don't remember, only your smiles 'cause that's all they've seen.
Long since dried, when we are found, are the tears in which we had drowned.
As we were, so perfect, so happy."
The approaching Curve
Rise Against
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Yet another post about Parades...
here's a little story I was thinking about a little while ago...
So when I was probably about six I went to a parade somewhere with my grandpa. It was just me and him and he had this camp chair with a little canopy thing on it and I was sitting on his lap. We were just minding our business watching the parade when a news anchor came up to us and asked how we were doing and how we were enjoying the parade. Me being the shy little girl I was my grandpa mostly answered until they directly asked me what my favorite part of the parade was. I think my initial reaction was I don't know, but I was six so I thought about it and I answered "All the pretty floats with princess' on them" as all little girls would probably answer. So that day I was on the news.
I'm no longer as cute and I don't fit on my grandpas lap anymore and my answer has definitely changed.
Many of the band people say that the bands were there favorite. That wasn't true for me apparently Its even caught on film somewhere. I hardly remember the bands. But if I was just as cute and a news anchor asked me again I'd say
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Timpview Band: Not Being in the Parade
Special Shout Out:
FLUTES I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! Kayla You rock Michaela You rock too! Cutie Flutie Patooties have hawt booties! AH YEAH!! ;) You know it :)
and the rest of the band are hawt too :D
Love Always,
Kristen Santa Maria Bandie forever!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
You know you're a band geek when...
You just graduated and in your summer you still wake up in time to be able to go to marching band.
You'd rather be marching than sleeping
You could honestly go to marching band and be able to play the music from memory
I miss band so much I have nothing better to do with my life...
So i sit at home and watch star trek :)... i'd still rather be marching
Good news is I am officially signed up to be in the USU Aggie Marching Band come this fall!! So excited. SO everyone watch Halftimes.
and... I signed up for an ROTC class. Its called leadership and something life... Idk but I'm excited I'm not officially in the army but its like an into or something. I just need to build up my running skills if i'm actually gonna join the army.
I got my USU ID yesterday... SO its official I'm an AGGIE... Kinda weird. Still don't know where I'm gonna live or how I'm gonna make money but I'll get there.
Summer a time that makes me wish i really had more friends that I could call and be like hey lets do something. One of the beauties of band you lucky ducks actually have something to do with your lives. I LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW IN A VERY CREEPY WAY :) I love band... i'm so lonely with out it.
And believe it or not... as glad as i am to be out of highschool i'm gonna miss all my friends. Cause thats really the only time i see any of them I'm a lonely little old fart. I'd sure love to hang out if anyone'd like. I love ya'll..
The term up to par makes me laugh.. cause most people are above and beyond par.. You want to be down to par. at least thats what Landers always told me haha... just a thought. don't judge..
Thoughts are weird. the end!
Live long and prosper. thats the treky in me
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Can I just say that Sam Wise is my FAVORITE character. He definitely has the most insight and is the most amazing friend anyone could ask for. More people should be like Sam. He NEVER leaves Frodo even when Frodo is trying to kill him. He wants to help Frodo more than anything. "don't you lose him Sam Wise, don't you lose him. And I don't intend to." Sam is amazing
My friend is kinda like Sam I think. He's always there for me and no matter how I'm acting wants to make me feel better. I love that. He's so kind and sweet. Often times he's just what I need. I'm so grateful to him for everything he does for me and every time he's made me smile and laugh. He makes me very happy and I'm glad i got to spend time with him. Its a rare occasion but I'm so so Glad when it happens. And yesterday I definitely needed it. Thanks Friend LOVE YOU :D
Monday, February 13, 2012
Idolization. Goodwill, and Compassion
Going on a walk to surpass the day
There is no destination planned for me
As I wind my way through hectic city streets
To retire to the country peace.
I walk on down the wide, wide path,
That soon begins to narrow,
And to my surprise, when the road should have pressed on
Were three smaller roads
Each one neat and clean
Which one to choose? Which one to pick?
It simply can't be easy.
They're all the same and yet so different
I can't make up my mind.
I need to know. I want to know
But it’s so hard you see.
I find the posts with the three road names,
Reading Idolization, Goodwill, and Compassion.
Which one meant more, I couldn't tell you
One or the other, this one or that,
To make up my mind would take more than time
It would take a lifetime if not only that
I would give up a million for that one decision.
I thought and I sat, I sat and I thought,
But my mind remained unmade.
I decided to wait and decide on it later,
But later would come sooner.
For I could never forget those posts,
The posts that read the names,
Those names that I am getting to know really well
Those three little roads named
Idolization, Goodwill and Compassion.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
writing to no one
Probably never will
Therefore we are writing for no one.
Everyone can read our address for no one.
An interesting concept.
A person in mind yet writing to no one.
I'm very guilty.